
Linda K Ford Author
Jun 17, 2020
The Cruising Life
The "Cruising Life" is a maze of precious moments, where you sail off into unknown territory, and navigate to distant shores. A...

Linda K Ford Author
Jun 17, 2020
My Sailing Voyage!
“Caution to the Wind” is all about an adventure, an epic 15-month sailing voyage from New Zealand to England. During this voyage I was...

Linda K Ford Author
Jun 17, 2020
Sailing up the east coast of Australia!
Up the mast attaching baggywinkles, walking along an amazing coral cay exposed by the ebbing tide on a beautiful sunny day, Ebony...

Linda K Ford Author
Jun 17, 2020
Inspiration is on its way!
I love the inspiration that autumn brings, with the change of temperature, and the vivid colours of the falling leaves. Little did I know...